
Betrothed Babies Blog

Sometimes about babies, sometimes about us, always cathartic


March 2016

The Weight of Weight

I stepped on the scale this morning and a very unpleasant number stared back at me.  Yikes, I thought.  I haven’t weighed this much since after I got out of college, lived back at home, and thought I could eat whatever I wanted, not work out, and be totally fine.  Mind you, I was 22 when that happened, and now it’s 11 years later, and a whole lot easier to gain weight and a whole lot harder to lose it.

Prior to my infertility diagnosis, I started watching what I ate and logging my calories.  For me, that’s the only course of action that works.  I use My Fitness Pal, log my exercise and what I ate, and try my best to stay at or under my calories each day.  When you’re responsible for writing down everything you put in your mouth, those chocolate covered marshmallow eggs seem far less appealing knowing that they’ll quickly bump those calories consumed up, up, up. Continue reading “The Weight of Weight”

I am in Control…sort of

Today is national ‘I am in control’ day. For someone who likes to be in control, I found it to be nearly impossible, especially during my adoption wait, to be in control. the truth is, I wasn’t really in control.

But I wrote about what you can do to feel like your life is not completely out of your hands. Check out the article below!

How Adoption Helped Me Cope With My Miscarriage

I haven’t posted much lately about my miscarriage.  My life has been going on as normal, but it’s not like I’ve forgotten.  There is no possible scenario where I could forget or 100% heal.  I just choose (for my own happiness and well being) not to dwell 24/7 on something so sad when I have wonderful things happening every day right in front of my eyes.

I was able to put into words how being a mom, specifically an adoptive mom, helped me cope with my miscarriage.  Please read the article linked below.

The Balancing Act of Life

Before I was married and had kids and large responsibilities, I could focus all of my efforts on myself. What did I want to do? If I wanted to travel, I’d book a flight for my next available weekend. If I wanted to be social, I’d call up some friends and go out. If I wanted to shop, I’d go to the mall. If I wanted to read, I’d do it. You get the idea. I’m sure you know the feeling – I could do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted because the only person I had to be responsible for was myself. Obviously when a husband and kids enter the picture life and responsibilities grow and change.

This is not news to anyone, myself included. I knew going into marriage and motherhood that my life was about to dramatically change, and I love it. Family time is the best part of my life. But here’s my question – how do you balance being a wife and being a mom with still being YOU? Continue reading “The Balancing Act of Life”

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!


 WHAT?!?! There’s a post from the other member of this blog? Yes, I am in fact writing and posting a blog. I guess I can’t really start this post without explain what’s been going on.

Keely and I have been suffering from sinus and ear infections ALL WINTER LONG. We’d get better and BAM! it was back. My fingers are crossed that we are finally over the worst of it. I’ve been diagnosed with Eustachian tube dysfunction and have to follow up with an ENT and audiologist.

Continue reading “Happy St. Patrick’s Day!”

March Musings

Oh my goodness.  It’s been awhile since I could sit down and write.  Between work being absolutely crazy (blog post for later), my anxiety going through the roof (blog post for later), Vinny getting even MORE teeth and generally not being happy or sleeping because of it, daylight savings time, articles (coming soon!), being asked to write an article for our adoption agency’s newsletter (also coming soon!), and trying to squeeze what precious free time I have currently to spend it with my family March has been INSANE. Continue reading “March Musings”

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