Well, it’s been over a year since I’ve used this blog to write.  Needless to say, having three kids, a full time job, and trying to maintain some sort of social life takes it’s toll.  (Also, no one naps anymore…naps were the best time I had to write.)  I’d really like to get into writing more – I think maybe I’ll try to incorporate that into my daily routine.  You know, along with parenting, being a wife, a teacher, exercising, cooking, trying to have time with friends, trying to have time to myself…something is always lacking, something is always getting less time and attention.  And, I suppose if it was going to be something, writing is the most expendable, but man, is it therapeutic to sit here and be typing this right now.  However, that’s not the purpose of this post…I’ll do a “state of the family” post later, but this post is about changing my heart, specifically during this season of Lent. Continue reading “Change Our Hearts”