
Betrothed Babies Blog

Sometimes about babies, sometimes about us, always cathartic


February 2016

Turning off the Negative Nellys!

Ugh. I’m feeling the negativity today. I looked at one of my articles and read some nasty comments. Comments about how I stole Vincent away from his God given mother. And how they hope he never comes across this article when he’s older because I share my honest thoughts that coming to terms with adoption isn’t easy, and that it’s a difficult road for everyone involved, and that, yes, Husband didn’t want to adopt at first.

But I also said that Husband loves Vincent more than I’ve ever seen him love anyone, and that while adoption might not be the first choice, it’s a beautiful choice, and it’s made us a family. A family that includes Vincent’s birth parents. No, they don’t coparent or share custody or anything like that, but they are absolutely family.

Then I read another article written by a beautiful, young birthmother who also writes for, and there are some awful comments there too! Comments telling her she’s wrong for being at peace with placing her child. Others that say going to prom or wanting to go to college aren’t legitimate reasons for “giving your child away.” And that she’s basically super selfish and should accept the consequences for having unprotected sex and not being ready to have a child.
Continue reading “Turning off the Negative Nellys!”

5 Things Every Hopeful Adoptive Mom Needs

This might not be the traditional list of things you’d be expecting, but they all helped me tremendously on the day of placement!  Hopeful adoptive parents, you’ll definitely want to check this article out!

I Hate My Ovaries


 This is an angry post filled with hate and foul language directed at my infertility. If you don’t like that or don’t think I’m capable of such profanities, please don’t read any further. I will not justify or apologize for what I wrote. It’s a very honest representation about how I’m currently feeling. And I know I just posted an article about being humble, and I’m turning right around and posting this very negative, pessimistic article, so feel free to call me a big, fat hypocrite if that makes you feel better or if you feel I deserve it. I can handle it. These are the type of emotional mood swings that infertility can cause you to have.  You’ve been warned if you choose to read on.

It’s not pretty.

Continue reading “I Hate My Ovaries”

How a Little Humility Can Help You on Your Adoption Journey

Happy Be Humble Day!  Didn’t know that’s a thing?  Neither did I until I signed up to write an article about it.  The way I look at it, humility can help with many aspects of your life, especially your journey to having a child.


It’s a Major Award!

Bridgette and I are super excited to announce that we were nominated for the Liebster award by one of my favorite step mom blogs – One Step/(Mom)ent at a Time.


The Liebster award is passed from blogger to blogger to get recognition for new or smaller blogs. (Blogs with <200 followers)  When you’re nominated for the award, you have some rules to follow:

  1.  Acknowledge the blog that nominated you and display the award
  2. Give 11 random facts about yourself
  3. Answer 11 questions the blog give you
  4. Nominate 5-11 blogs with less than 200 followers you think are deserving of the award
  5. Let the bloggers know you nominated them
  6. Give them 11 questions to answer

So, since Bridgette and I both love giving fun facts about ourselves, we’ll use different colors to differentiate our answers.  Ryann will write in green and Bridgette will write in purple. Continue reading “It’s a Major Award!”

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